Thursday, July 21, 2011

what you wish for

the boys visiting the city by the bay where they were born safely

Here are our little men that burst into the world together on the same day and changed our family dynamic forever. We had been a family that was already considered generous with three lovely girls. Our house was filled with dolls, and flowery headbands, pink sheets and pillows and wardrobes overflowing with dresses and skirts and purses. And QUIET! All my sweet girls were so well behaved. They all managed to play quietly, stay clean, and we could take them any where which we did! And, by the way all in one car. But, always in the back of my mind, I saw boys in my life. In my dreams, there were these characters that would show up from time to time, and they were male. They say be careful what you wish for,,, or is it, visualize what you hope to see in your life and it will come true,,, well it can work either way. I have to believe that my visions were placed out there into the universe and then the stork once again arrived at my door. While I do maintain that we have been blessed abundantly with the safe arrival of these 2, their health struggles that we all lived through, I also share with you that I am almost at all times a bit overwhelmed. Just a tad. These guys have an abundance of curiosity, very large personalities, kind and loving hearts. combined with a huge amount of energy. All this and in the form of two people, completely separate individuals. I know that they challenge all of us as a family to do better and be better. There is a lovely little irony that I have noticed that goes with parenting these guys. Their behavior heads way south, horrible, nasty even, when we as a family our not doing a good job collectively. I will be honest, they are high maintenance and a lot of work. But they are like a garden, you only see the fruits of your labour from your good efforts. They are absolutely amazing. Miracles! I try to remember all the time when I am at my wits end, I wished for them so so very much, and here they are

1 comment:

Collins @ Life. Mostly Sweet. said...

nothing better than twin boys!!!