Wednesday, July 13, 2011

blue is favourite colour

The colour blue has been my favourite colour since it helped save the lives of my twin boys. I love all colours really, but blue was emphasized with legitimacy when the blue dye that was inserted into my belly, via a very long and scary needle for what was supposed to be a routine amnio. For twins, they will use dye to separate one fluid from the other. This was when I was about 14 weeks pregnant. It was determined that day, that my babies had twin to twin transfusion syndrome. This is when there is one placenta,  and in my case, 2 amniotic sacs,  and the fluid is traveling along to blood vessels on top of the placenta. One embryo in then in a environment that has too much fluid, and one does not have enough and is in a "shrink wrapped" place. Not good. The Mother is at risk as well, my belly was huge! In a whirlwind, we traveled to San Francisco to begin treatment, and to enter a study at UCSF for this condition. The "blue dye", put forth an issue of delaying an invasive operation, a laser surgery that may or may not have saved my guys. It was determined by the team of Doctors that he operation could not go forth knowing that it was blue inside and to cut off the blood vessels would be hard to see.  After several weeks, and several what is called, amnio reductions, (needles drawing out the litre size amount of fluid, blue, in my case), the balance of the boys environments began to equalize. This was called a "miracle" by the Docs. They then decided after the blue dye subsided that the laser surgery was not needed, as long as the fluids kept getting better and more balanced. We were monitored for weeks and weeks with nearly daily ultrasounds, a few MRIs, even echo cardiograms of the babies. Everything was getting better. I managed to stay pregnant with the boys until full term. My wonderful Dr., even said that I had superhuman cervix! WOW, what a complement. TMI? sorry. Aidan Timothy and Brendan Robert were born at 34 weeks gestation through a induction. Though the boys struggled a bit, they were in the Intensive care nursery for a week, they were born healthy and well. They even weighed 6 pounds plus each, remarkable for TTTS. That was over 6 years ago now. These boys are fine and drive me silly crazy everyday. Blue is still an outstanding colour, it means something to me. It reminds me to have hope.

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