Saturday, July 30, 2011

so pretty

Is there anything as pretty as a peony? I think all flowers are lovely, but a peony is my favorite. They are large flowers and they are just so very enchanting, exquisite and gorgeous! I brought a bunch of Peonies once to a friend and I paired them with some ornamental cabbage stalks. The colors looked so beautiful together and the bouquet was massive and chunky and it made such a statement, she really loved it!

Planting peonies in best in the months of September of October, and I am adding this to my "to do" list for this fall. They will be expected to bloom the following year in late spring or early summer, something to look forward to.

ornamental cabbage


The one with those 'Starry Eyes'. said...

Great idea. I love how pretty they are!

Collins @ Life. Mostly Sweet. said...

i love to plant things but i'm not a good planner. that's a great idea!