Saturday, August 27, 2011

Drop 7 pounds

I think I have put on 7 pounds this summer, no, I know I did!
How did it happen?
I did not stick to a very good workout schedule
I nibbled on every meal that I made for the kids as well as my own
Lack of sleep
And, I have been worried about life, very worried.

Everyone is back in school and this will provide for a regular schedule for all.
I love summer, days of sleeping in, no calendar, spontaneous planning,
 I love holidays, seeing the world, exploring, learning about new things,
Having a regular wake up time on the alarm clock, making your bed, getting everyone off to school, working out, having to be somewhere on a regular basis responsibly, well there is great comfort in that.
I have never been a naturally organized person, so I have had to learn from others. I have read books on the subject, and also watched closely how it is done from those who seem to have their act together.
Also, I have learned about myself that when I have somewhat been more organized, it gives me such a great feeling of accomplishment.
So , perhaps, my uneasy feelings of not having a regular place to be over the summer had contributed to these 7 pounds.
Which means that they will soon be gone again.
I am counting on it!
I refuse to go out and buy new clothes that fit better, no I WILL NOT do that!

So, today is the 2nd day that I am just eating less,
NO snacking on the kids meals,
Half of the portions,
And I will eat more fruit and vege and tiny bits of carbs if any.
Water, water water!!!
Walking walking walking.
I will go back to my regular workout schedule,
No beer, limit my wine to one glass or none with dinner
and SLEEP, go to bed earlier

and I will fill out my Macbook calendar as well, I love that part of my laptop and phone

I will let you know of my progress. I really want my thinner body back very soon.

And I will try not to worry.


Mia S. Hinchey said...

I already feel so much better!! It has been almost 2 days and I do feel different. I am going to go drink some more water.

Collins @ Life. Mostly Sweet. said...

stress can really do that to you. you would die if you knew how much weight i gained while my dad was sick!

Mia S. Hinchey said...

It's True! Food is one of our comforts and eating is what nourishes, so of course it makes sense that weight gain can occur during major stress. You are so right!!! but,,,weight gain in itself compounds the stress, so, I am trying to comfort myself in a different way now, I am not giving myself a choice. It has really brought me down. Have you been able to lose any of the stress related lbs? AND, I am so sorry about your Dad.